Imagine a trail system that spurs economic development, attracts tourists and provides a valuable amenity to residents of Findlay and Hancock County.  Imagine a trail system that attracts joggers, walkers, and bike commuters each workday.  Imagine a trail system that serves as a recruiting and retaining tool for businesses.   Imagine a trail system that increases home values by having trails located in close proximity to residential properties.  Imagine a happier and healthier populace because of the sense of freedom and wellness that trails create.

The Multi-Use Trails Master Plan involves the design and development of a trail system that can accommodate a variety of leisure activities, while enhancing opportunities for non-motorized travel throughout the community; connecting neighborhoods, parks, schools, and other community locations.

It will feature two types of trail designs.  A Connector Trail will be used throughout neighborhoods and city streets, while a Greenway Trail will allow for connections to be made along the Blanchard River and/or the other various creeks and streams throughout Findlay.  When completed, the Master Plan will provide about 102 miles of trails throughout Findlay and Hancock County.

services provided:
landscape architecture
